
something new

i've decided to try my hand at blogging. i've done a few on myspace before, but they always ended up feeling a bit trivial. i think that it might have had something to do with the venue. it's hard to feel insightful and witty when using the same site as 14 year old girls talking about OMGJUSTINTIMBERLAKELOLZ!!11!!

i know that a change of venue won't instantly turn my random thoughts and rants into kierkegaardian treatises of the human nature, but this site at least has a bit more mature feel to it. also, i'm going to keep this blog relatively private. so i'll be able to share some of my more personal thoughts and feelings that i didn't feel comfortable broadcasting to the entire interweb.

might take me a little while before i write anything that's actually worth reading. but in the meantime, enjoy.